Occupational Health Services

Occupational Health Services

Our OHS Care branches, located in Johannesburg, Barberton, Nelspruit, Bloemfontein, Lichtenburg and Cape Town provide services to a broad spectrum of clients.


offer initial, periodical and exit medicals conducted on a smaller scale.


Occupational Health Services cater for larger numbers and include the Full Medical Examination (initial, periodical or exit and the Height Medical Examination). Our mobile fleet includes five occupational health units and four X-Ray units which are also available for rental, please contact eugene@ohscare.co.za to book a unit. With the co-operation of our clients these units have the capacity to conduct between 50-60 full medicals on site per day. We also offer a selection of tests and administrative services.


  • Occupational Health Services
  • Standardised Clinic Governance
  • Primary Health Care
  • Quality Management System

(initial, periodical or exit):

Medical evaluations are performed on the workforce to evaluate their general health status and to ensure that this aligns with the requirements of their particular occupation. Likewise, medical examinations also ensure that workers are not adversely impacted by occupational exposures. All OHS Care medical examinations are fit for purpose and tailored to exact specifications, according to individual risk profiles. In addition to the standard medical examination, we also perform specific evaluations for pre-determined high-risk tasks and occupations. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Working at height evaluation
  • Driver/operator evaluations
  • Confined space entry evaluations
  • Thermal stress evaluations
  • Food worker evaluations
  • Pre-deployment evaluations


We also offer the following, either as separate services or add-ons to a full medical surveillance service:

  • Biological monitoring
  • Workplace substance screening
  • HIV counselling and testing (HCT) services
  • Vaccine Preventable Disease (VPD) implementation, including Influenza campaigns
  • Return to work evaluations
  • Medical incapacity management
  • Supporting analysis of workforce health statistics to aid in reporting requirements
  • Site specific occupational health risk assessments (on request)
  • Site specific hygiene risk assessments (on request)
  • Site specific safety risk assessments (on request)


  • In addition to medical reports and certificates of fitness, a report containing feedback, recommendations and relevant data (statistics) is issued after completion of all medicals
  • Medical fitness identification cards can be provided to enable visual identification of employees with restrictions on site
  • An electronic database is set up in conjunction with the clients’ HR and Safety departments

All relevant data recorded by OHS Care is e-mailed to clients enabling them to keep a current database of their Occupational Health issues.